

The Hindu Sindhi people were pushed out of our home & land at short notice at the time of the India /Pakistan partition in 1947. The land of Sindhi was basically created by the Indus River and led their lifestyles to be what they were. The history of the Sindhi is mainly around the fact that they had to migrate to India and most of their language and culture was lost. It is said today that only about 4% of Sindh language remains due to no more schooling of Sindhi people, as well as traditions dying down as the generations change. The Sindhi people were said to be 'forced' out of their homeland due to the partition in 1947 and being there was a split in the country itself. 

Back when the Sindhi people lived in the Sindi community in Pakistan they were very enriched with living a healthy life that was led by healthy faith and views on life. Agriculture and fishing were there everyday duty as well as festivals and being fair people in general. Stories were told of the Sindhi people as the culture was passed down generations but due to the migration of the Sindh community much of the culture died down. 

The Sindh culture was a collaboration of many cultures. Even though they have their own unique culture, pieces of the culture were from Arabs, Greeks as well as some others from rulers back in the beginning years of the Sindhi community. 

The history of the Sindhi is quite tragic because they were pushed out of their own homeland and forced to migrate elsewhere. Now a days the Sindhi mostly live in India and are known as Indians rather than Sindhi. 

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