Sindhi people lives were mostly based around agriculture due to them living by the Indus Plains. The Sindhi people also enjoyed fishing as some were located near the Indus River.This was most of their daily life as well as being active in the Sindhi community. Sharing language through stories and books as well as music and dances. Festivals were popular as well for all sorts of occasions. The Sindhi people were spiritual people and were very into believing good morals that led them through there lives and everyday living.
The Sindhi people lived everyday lives by following nursery ryhmes such as,"he who drinks mild becomes healthy" therefore everyday would drink a glass of milk because this is what they believed would make them healthy. The Sindhi culture and everyday living lifestyle is a mixture of many cultures such as the Greeks, Arabs, Monghuls, Persians and Rajputs. The Sindhi believed in common sense concepts and were very generous, kind, people who believed health is wealth. That being happy isn't about having the finer things in life but rather that having eachother and a healthy mind set is what makes one happy. Unity of a group creates a bond like no other and the Sindhi people were very much close together as a community.
Woman had a strict lifestyle on the other hand and were mostly to stay inside while the males are only allowed out to meet others. If a woman chose to leave the house she would have to be veiled and in some cases a young boy would follow behind ringing a bell that would signal "pass" , and when other men heard the bell ring they were to turn around toward the wall and wait until the party passed.
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